Technical aspects of McMule
In this section, we will review the very technical details of the implementation. This is meant for those readers, who wish to truly understand the nuts and bolts holding the code together. We begin by discussing the phase-space generation and potential pitfalls in Section Phase-space generation. Next, in Section Implementation of FKS schemes, we discuss how the FKS scheme [8, 23, 25, 28, 29]. This is meant for those readers, who wish to truly understand the nuts and bolts holding the code together. We begin by discussing the phase-space generation and potential pitfalls in Section Phase-space generation. Next, in Section Implementation of FKS schemes, we discuss how the FKS scheme [8, 23, 25, 28, 29] (cf. Appendix The FKS^2 scheme for a review) is implemented in Fortran code. This is followed by a brief review of the random number generator used in McMule in Section Random number generation. Finally, we give an account of how the statefiles work and how they are used to store distributions in Section Differential distributions and intermediary state files.
Particle string framework
This section needs to be completed, link to issue
Phase-space generation
We use the vegas
algorithm for numerical integration [15].
As vegas
only works on the hypercube, we need a routine that maps \([0,1]^{3n-4}\) to the momenta of an \(n\)-particle final state, including the corresponding Jacobian.
The simplest way to do this uses iterative two-particle phase-spaces and boosting the generated momenta all back into the frame under consideration.
An example of how this is done is shown in Listing 18.
! use a random number to decide how much energy should
! go into the first particle
minv3 = ra(1)*energy
! use two random numbers to generate the momenta of
! particles 1 and the remainder in the CMS frame
call pair_dec(ra(2:3),energy,q2,m2,qq3,minv3)
! adjust the Jacobian
weight = minv3*energy/pi
weight = weight*0.125*sq_lambda(energy**2,m2,minv3)/energy**2/pi
! use a random number to decide how much energy should
! go into the second particle
minv4 = ra(4)*energy
! use two random numbers to generate the momenta of
! particles 2 and the remainder in their rest frame
call pair_dec(ra(5:6),minv3,q3,m3,qq4,minv4)
! adjust the Jacobian
weight = weight*minv4*energy/pi
weight = weight*0.125*sq_lambda(minv3**2,m3,minv4)/minv3**2/pi
! repeat this process until all particles are generated
! boost all generated particles back into the CMS frame
q4 = boost_back(qq4, q4)
q5 = boost_back(qq4, q5)
q3 = boost_back(qq3, q3)
q4 = boost_back(qq3, q4)
q5 = boost_back(qq3, q5)
As soon as we start using FKS, we cannot use this simplistic approach any longer. The \(c\)-distributions of FKS require the photon energies \(\xi_i\) to be variables of the integration. We can fix this by first generating the photon explicitly as
where \(\vec e_\perp\) is a \((d-2)\) dimensional unit vector and the ranges of \(y_1\) (the cosine of the angle) and \(\xi_1\) (the scaled energy) are \(-1\le y_1 \le 1\) and \(0\le\xi_1 \le\xi_{\text{max}}\), respectively. The upper bound \(\xi_{\text{max}}\) depends on the masses of the outgoing particles. Following [28] we find
Finally, the remaining particles are generated iteratively again. This can always be done and is guaranteed to work.
For processes with one or more PCSs this approach is suboptimal.
The numerical integration can be improved by orders of magnitude by aligning the pseudo-singular contribution to one of the variables of the integration, as this allows vegas
to optimise the integration procedure accordingly.
As an example, consider once again \(\mu\to\nu\bar\nu e\gamma\).
The PCS comes from
where \(y\) is the angle between photon (\(k\)) and electron (\(q\)). For large velocities \(\beta\) (or equivalently small masses), this becomes almost singular as \(y\to1\). If now \(y\) is a variable of the integration this can be mediated. An example implementation is shown in Listing 19.
xi5 = ra(1)
y2 = 2*ra(2) - 1.
! generate electron q2 and photon q5 s.t. that the
! photon goes into z diractions
eme = energy*ra(3)
pme = sqrt(eme**2-m2**2)
q2 = (/ 0., pme*sqrt(1. - y2**2), pme*y2, eme /)
q5 = (/ 0., 0. , 1. , 1. /)
q5 = 0.5*energy*xi5*q5
! generate euler angles and rotate all momenta
euler_mat = get_euler_mat(ra(4:6))
q2 = matmul(euler_mat,q2)
q5 = matmul(euler_mat,q5)
qq34 = q1-q2-q5
minv34 = sqrt(sq(qq34))
! The event weight, note that a factor xi5**2 has been ommited
weight = energy**3*pme/(4.*(2.*pi)**4)
! generate remaining neutrino momenta
call pair_dec(ra(7:8),minv34,q3,m3,q4,m4,enough_energy)
weight = weight*0.125*sq_lambda(minv34**2,m3,m4)/minv34**2/pi
q3 = boost_back(qq34, q3)
q4 = boost_back(qq34, q4)
The approach outlined above is very easy to do in the case of the muon decay as the neutrinos can absorb any timelike four-momentum.
This is because the \(\delta\) function of the phase-space was solved through the neutrino’s pair_dec
However, for scattering processes where all final state leptons could be measured, this fails.
Writing a routine for \(\mu\)-\(e\)-scattering
that optimises on the incoming electron is rather trivial because its direction stays fixed s.t. the photon just needs to be generated according to (4). The outgoing electron \(p_3\) is more complicated. Writing the \(p_4\)-phase-space four- instead of three-dimensional
we can solve the four-dimensional \(\delta\) function for \(p_4\) and proceed for the generation \(p_3\) and \(p_5\) almost as for the muon decay above. Doing this we obtain for the final \(\delta\) function
When solving this for \(E_3\), we need to take care to avoid extraneous solutions of this radical equation [11]. We have now obtained our phase-space parametrisation, albeit with one caveat: for anti-collinear photons, i.e. \(-1<y<0\) with energies
there are still two solutions.
One of these corresponds to very low-energy electron that are almost produced at rest.
This is rather fortunate as most experiments will have an electron detection threshold higher that this.
Otherwise, phase-spaces optimised this way also define a which_piece
for this corner region.
There is one last subtlety when it comes to these type of phase-space optimisations. Optimising the phase-space for emission from one leg often has adverse effects on terms with dominant emission from another leg. In other words, the numerical integration works best if there is only one PCS on which the phase-space is tuned. As most processes have more than one PCS we need to resort to something that was already discussed in the original FKS paper [29]. Scattering processes that involve multiple massless particles have overlapping singular regions. The FKS scheme now mandates that the phase-space is partitioned in such a way as to isolate at most one singularity per region with each region having its own phase-space parametrisation. Similarly we have to split the phase-space to contain at most one PCS as well as the soft singularity. In McMule \(\mu\)-\(e\) scattering for instance is split as follows [1]
with \(s_{ij} = 2p_i\cdot p_j\) as usual. The integrand of the first \(\theta\) function has a final-state PCS and hence we use the parametrisation obtained by solving (5). The second \(\theta\) function, on the other hand, has an initial-state PCS which can be treated by just directly parametrising the photon in the centre-of-mass frame as per (4). This automatically makes \(s_{15}\propto(1-\beta_{\text{in}}y_1)\) a variable of the integration.
For the double-real corrections of \(\mu\)-\(e\) scattering, we proceed along the same lines except now the argument of the \(\delta\) function is more complicated.
Implementation of FKS schemes
Now that we have a phase-space routine that has \(\xi_i\) as variables of the integration, we can start implementing the relevant \(c\)-distributions (11)
We refer to the first term as the event and the second as the counter-event.
Note that, due to the presence of \(\delta(\xi_1)\) in the counter-event (that is implemented through the eikonal factor \(\mathcal{E}\)) the momenta generated by the phase-space \(\mathrm{d}\Upsilon_1\mathrm{d}\Phi_{n,1}\) are different. Thus, it is possible that the momenta of the event pass the cuts or on-shell conditions, while those of the counter event fail, or vice versa. This subtlety is extremely important to properly implement the FKS scheme and many problems fundamentally trace back to this.
Finally, we should note that, in order to increase numerical stability, we introduce cuts on \(\xi\) and sometimes also on a parameter that encodes the PCS such as \(y={\tt y2}\) in (4) and Listing 19. Events that have values of \(\xi\) smaller than this soft cut are discarded immediately and no subtraction is considered. The dependence on this slicing parameter is not expected to drop out completely and hence, the soft cut has to be chosen small enough to not influence the result.
An example implementation can be found in Listing 20.
FUNCTION SIGMA_1(x, wgt, ndim)
! The first random number x(1) is xi.
arr = x
! Generate momenta for the event using the function pointer ps
call gen_mom_fks(ps, x, masses(1:nparticle), vecs, weight)
! Whether unphysical or not, take the value of xi
xifix = xiout
! Check if the event is physical ...
if(weight > zero ) then
! and whether is passes the cuts
var = quant(vecs(:,1), vecs(:,2), vecs(:,3), vecs(:,4), ...)
cuts = any(pass_cut)
if(cuts) then
! Calculate the xi**2 * M_{n+1}^0 using the pointer matel
mat = matel(vecs(:,1), vecs(:,2), vecs(:,3), vecs(:,4), ...)
mat = xifix*weight*mat
sigma_1 = mat
end if
end if
! Check whether soft subtraction is required
if(xifix < xicut1) then
! Implement the delta function and regenerate events
arr(1) = 0._prec
call gen_mom_fks(ps, arr, masses(1:nparticle), vecs, weight)
! Check whether to include the counter event
if(weight > zero) then
var = quant(vecs(:,1), vecs(:,2), vecs(:,3), vecs(:,4), ...)
cuts = any(pass_cut)
if(cuts) then
mat = matel_s(vecs(:,1), vecs(:,2), vecs(:,3), vecs(:,4), ...)
mat = weight*mat/xifix
sigma_1 = sigma_1 - mat
Calling procedures and function pointers
McMule uses function pointers to keep track of which functions to call for the integrand, phase-space routine, and matrix element(s).
These pointers are assigned during init_piece()
and then called throughout integrands
and phase_space
The pointers for the phase-space generator and integrand are just assigned using the =>
operator, i.e.
ps => psx2 ; fxn => sigma_0
The relevant abstract interface for the integrand fxn
abstract interface
function integrand(x,wgt,ndim)
import prec
integer :: ndim
real(kind=prec) :: x(ndim),wgt
real(kind=prec) :: integrand
end function integrand
end interface
Doing the same for the matrix elements is not possible as they do not have a consistent interface.
Instead, we are using a C function set_func
that is implemented in a separate file to assign the functions, ignoring the interface
call set_func('00000000', pm2enngav)
call set_func('00000001', pm2ennav)
call set_func('11111111', m2enn_part)
The first argument corresponds to the type of functions that is being set.
Bitmask |
Name |
Description |
hard matrix element |
reduced matrix element |
doubly reduced matrix element |
particle string function |
single soft limit |
hard-soft limit |
soft-hard limit |
double soft limit |
If the soft limits are not assigned, they are auto-generated using the partfunc
Optional parameters for integrands
The integration is configured during the initpiece()
Additionally to identifying what is to be integrated (cf. Section Calling procedures and function pointers), one also configures other parameters such as the dimensionality or the masses involved.
Variable |
Type |
Description |
Required |
the number of total particles (initial & final) |
yes |
the dimensionality of the phase space.
usually this is \(3n_f-4\), for calculations with
extra integrations, these are included
yes |
the masses of all particles |
yes |
the value of \(\xi_c\) for the first subtraction |
for real corrections |
the value of \(\xi_c\) for the second subtraction |
for double-real corrections |
the value of \(\xi_c\) for the first eikonal |
for virtual or real-virtual corrections |
the value of \(\xi_c\) for the second eikonal |
for double-virtual corrections |
the number of polarised particles |
no, defaults to 0 |
the symmetry factor for indistinguishable final states |
no, defaults to 1 |
the soft cut parameter |
no, but recommended, defaults to 0 |
the collinear cut parameter |
no, but recommended, defaults to 0 |
the NTS switching point |
only for NTS matrix elemnts |
\(\xi_c\) parameters
For the \(\xi_c\) parameters, the user enters a value between zero (exclusive) and one (inclusive).
However, the FKS procedure requires the bounds of (12) and the parameters hence need to be rescaled accordingly.
In principle the user may enter two different values (xinormcut = xinormcut1
and xinormcut2
) though this is rarely called for.
Soft and collinear cut parameter
To improve numerical stability, we set events that have a value of \(\xi\) (\(y\)) lower than softcut
) to zero.
This introduces a systematic error that needs to be studied. For small values, the improvement in stability is generally worth a small error that is anyway drowned out by the statistical error
This means that we are changing the integration (6)
and similarly with collcut
We have found that values of softcut = 1e-10
and collcut = 1.e-11
give reliable results.
Random number generation
A Monte Carlo integrator relies on a (pseudo) random number generator (RNG or PRNG) to work. The pseudo-random numbers need to be of high enough quality, i.e. have no discernible pattern and a long period, to consider each point of the integration independent but the RNG needs to be simple enough to be called many billion times without being a significant source of runtime. RNGs used in Monte Carlo applications are generally poor in quality and often predictable s.t. they could not be used for cryptographic applications.
A commonly used trade-off between unpredictability and simplicity, both in speed and implementation, is the Park-Miller RNG, also known as minstd
As a linear congruential generator, its \((k+1)\)th output \(x_{k+1}\) can be found as
where \(m\) is a large, preferably prime, number and \(2<a<m-1\) an integer. The initial value \(z_1\) is called the random seed and is chosen integer between 1 and \(m-1\). It can easily be seen that any such RNG has a fixed period [2] \(p<m\) s.t. \(z_{k+p} = z_k\) because any \(z_{k+1}\) only depends on \(z_k\) and there are finitely many possible \(z_k\). We call the RNG attached to \((m,a)\) to be of full period if \(p=m-1\), i.e. all integers between 1 and \(m-1\) appear in the sequence \(z_k\).
Assuming \(z_1=1\) then the existence of \(p\) s.t. \(z_{p+1}=1\) is guaranteed by Fermat’s Theorem [3]. This means that the RNG is of full period iff \(a\) is a primitive root modulo \(m\), i.e.
Park and Miller suggest to use the Mersenne prime \(m=2^{31}-1\), noting that there are 534,600,000 primitive roots of which 7 is the smallest. Because \(7^b\ \text{mod}\ m\) is also a primitive root as long as \(b\) is co-prime to \((m\!-\!1)\), [19] settled on \(b=5\), i.e. \(a=16807\) as a good choice for the multiplier that, per construction, has full period and passes certain tests of randomness.
The points generated by any such RNG will fall into \(\sqrt[n]{n!\cdot m}\) hyperplanes if scattered in an \(n\) dimensional space [16]. However, for bad choices of the multiplier \(a\) the number of planes can be a lot smaller [4].
Presently, the period length of \(p=m-1=2^{31}-2\) is believed to be sufficient though detailed studies quantifying this would be welcome.
Differential distributions and intermediary state files
Distributions are always calculated as histograms by binning each event according to its value for the observable \(S\).
This is done by having an \((n_b\times n_q)\)-dimensional array [5] quant()
where \(n_q\) is the number of histograms to be calculated (nr_q
) and \(n_b\) is the number of bins used (nr_bins
The weight of each event \(\mathrm{d}\Phi\times\mathcal{M} \times w\) is added to the correct entry in bit_it
where \(w={\tt wgt}\) is the event weight assigned by vegas
After each iteration of vegas
we add quant()
(\({\tt quant}^2\)) to an accumulator of the same dimensions called quantsum
After \(i\) iterations, we can calculate the value and error as
where \(\Delta\) is the bin-size.
Related to this discussion is the concept of intermediary state files.
Their purpose is to record the complete state of the integrator after every iteration in order to recover should the program crash – or more likely be interrupted by a batch system.
McMule uses a custom file format .vegas
for this purpose which uses Fortran’s record-based (instead of stream- or byte-based) format.
This means that each entry starts with 32bit unsigned integer, i.e. 4 byte, indicating the record’s size and ends with the same 32bit integer.
As this is automatically done for each record, it minimises the amount of metadata that have to be written.
The current version (v3
) must begin with the magic header and version self-identification shown in Table 6.
The latter includes file version information and the first five characters the source tree’s SHA1 hash, obtained using make hash
The header is followed by records describing the state of the integrator as shown in Table 7. Additionally to information required to continue integration such as the current value and grid information, this file also has 300 bytes for a message. This is usually set by the routine to store information on the fate of the integration such as whether it was so-far uninterrupted or whether there is reason to believe it to be inconsistent.
The latter point is particularly important. While McMule cannot read intermediary files from a different version of the file format, it will continue any integration for which it can read the state file. This also includes cases where the source tree has been changed. In this case McMule prints a warning but continues the integration deriving potentially inconsistent results.
offset |
00 |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
06 |
07 |
08 |
09 |
0A |
0B |
0C |
0D |
0E |
0F |
hex |
09 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
20 |
4D |
63 |
4D |
75 |
6C |
65 |
20 |
20 |
09 |
00 |
00 |
\t |
‘ ‘ |
M |
c |
M |
u |
l |
e |
‘ ‘ |
‘ ‘ |
\t |
offset |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
1A |
1B |
1C |
1D |
1E |
1F |
hex |
00 |
0A |
00 |
00 |
00 |
76 |
xx |
xx |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
0A |
\n |
v |
\(v_1\) |
\(v_2\) |
‘ ‘ |
‘ ‘ |
‘ ‘ |
‘ ‘ |
‘ ‘ |
‘ ‘ |
‘ ‘ |
\n |
offset |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
2A |
2B |
2C |
2D |
2E |
2F |
hex |
00 |
00 |
00 |
05 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
xx |
05 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
\(s_1\) |
\(s_2\) |
\(s_3\) |
\(s_4\) |
\(s_5\) |
Off |
Len |
Type |
Var. |
Comment |
the current iteration |
subdiv. on an axis |
\(\sigma/(\delta\sigma)^2\) |
\(1/(\delta\sigma)^2\) |
\((1-{\tt it})\chi + \sigma^2/(\delta\sigma)^2\) |
the integration grid |
the current random number seed |
\(n_q\) \(n_b\) \(n_s\) |
number of histograms number of bins len. histogram name |
\(10n_q+8\) \(n_sn_q+8\) \(10n_q(n_b+2)+8\) |
lower bounds upper bounds names of \(S\) accu. histograms accu. histograms squared |
current runtime in seconds |
any message |
Basics of containerisation
McMule is Docker-compatible.
Production runs should be performed with Docker [17], or its user-space complement udocker [12], to facilitate reproducibility and data retention.
On Linux, Docker uses chroot
to simulate an operating system with McMule installed.
In our case, the underlying system is Alpine Linux, a Linux distribution that is approximately 5MB in size.
To understand Docker, we need to introduce some terms
An image is a representation of the system’s ’hard disk’. One host system can have multiple images. In (u)Docker, the images can be listed with
docker image ls
(udocker images
).Images can be have names, called tags, otherwise Docker assigns a name as the SHA256 hash.
Because keeping multiple full file systems is rather wasteful, images are split into layers that can be shared among images. In uDocker, these are tar files containing the changes made to the file system.
To execute an image, a container needs to be generated. Essentially, this involves uncompressing all layers into a directory an
ing into said directory.
It is important to note, that containers are ephemeral, i.e. changes made to the container are not stored unless explicitly requested. This is usually not required anyway.
For external interfacing, folders of the host system are mounted into the container.
Building images
Docker images are built using Dockerfiles, a set of instruction on how to create the image from external information and a base image. To speed up building of the image, McMule uses a custom base image called mcmule-pre
that is constructed as follows
FROM alpine:3.11
LABEL maintainer=""
LABEL version="1.0"
LABEL description="The base image for the full McMule suite"
# Install a bunch of things
RUN apk add py3-numpy py3-scipy ipython py3-pip git tar gfortran gcc make curl musl-dev
RUN echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories && \
apk add py3-matplotlib && \
sed -i '$ d' /etc/apk/repositories
On top of this, McMule is build
FROM yulrich/mcmule-pre:1.0.0
LABEL maintainer=""
LABEL version="1.0"
LABEL description="The full McMule suite"
RUN pip3 install
COPY . /monte-carlo
WORKDIR /monte-carlo
RUN ./configure
RUN make
To build this image, run
mcmule$ docker build -t $mytagname . # Using Docker
mcmule$ udocker build -t=$mytagname . # Using udocker
The CI system uses udocker to perform builds after each push. Note that using udocker for building requires a patched version of the code that is available from the McMule collaboration.
Creating containers and running
In Docker, containers are usually created and run in one command
$ docker run --rm $imagename $cmd
The flag –rm
makes sure the container is deleted after it is completed.
If the command is a shell (usually ash
), the flag -i
also needs to be provided.
For udocker, creation and running can be done in two steps
$ udocker create $imagename
# this prints the container id
$ udocker run $containerid $cmd
# work in container
$ udocker rm $containerid
or in one step
$ udocker run --rm $imagename $cmd
Running containers can be listed with udocker ps
and docker ps
For further details, the reader is pointed to the manuals of Docker and udocker.